This page provides information about myBUSCH-JAEGER | MyBuildings portal services, as well as information about scheduled maintenance on the portal and the cloud.
Resolved -
Some customers may have experienced difficulty using Welcome (IP) with its remote connectivity. Our team has investigating the incident and detected the root cause. Services are up and running
Sep 6, 21:56 CEST
Update -
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Sep 6, 21:47 CEST
Investigating -
At the moment, some customers may have difficulty using Welcome (IP) with its remote connectivity. Our team is actively investigating the incident and will update you with more details as we have them.
At ABB Busch-Jaeger we’re committed to providing the best possible service and are working tirelessly to resolve this incident. Check out our status page for the most up-to-date information:
Sep 6, 09:39 CEST